First stage - Beginner Friendly Setup using Github and Vercel

  1. Create your own Github account. Github is a platform where you host your code and it's version control using Git. It's free to create a personal account. You just need to give a username, email address and password.

  2. Create a Vercel Account using your github account for authentication. By connecting your github account, it creates git repositories for you or updates your deployment if you did any changes to your code.

  3. Import a project at Vercel by using the Import Template and choose Docusaurus 2 template.

  4. Download Sourcetree so we can access your git repository in your laptop. Make sure to note where you have save your file. We will open it later using the code editor.

  5. Download and open your code using your code editor (SublimeText / VSCode / Atom).

  6. Let's change some code and see the magic when we commit changes to our git.

        i. Go to the file docusaurus.config.js and change the content of the title and tagline found in line 2 and 3 respectively and save the file.

2 title: 'Online Coding Tutorials',
3 tagline: 'The best online coding tutorials in the web with the help of docusaurus',

Actual output in code: docusaurus change

        ii. Go to the Sourcetree app, select File Status. Check file docusaurus.config.js in the Unstage files so it will be moved to the Staged files. Add commit message: Update title name and tagline, check Push changes immediately to origin/master. And click on the Commit Button.

  1. Check your the url site created by vercel and see the updated changes!

Awesome work! You just completed the first stage. 🥳